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Sentence Patterns - Exercise 2

Directions: Determine the sentence pattern for each sentence given below. Write the sentence pattern in the space provided below the sentence. When you have completed the exercise, click on "Check My Work" to see the correct answers.

Sentence pattern choices:
NP1 + V-be + ADV/TP     NP1 + V-int
NP1 + V-be + ADJ NP1 + V-tr + NP2
NP1 + V-be + NP1 NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + NP3
NP1 + LV + ADJ NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + ADJ
NP1 + LV + NP1 NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + NP2

1.  The child behaved horribly in the store.

2.  On his last trip to Russia in the spring, Hilda finally felt comfortable.

3.  In another life I must have been a dancer.

4.  Upon his return, the people elected Jasper king of the entire country.

5.  My brother showed me the stream behind the wooded area.

6.  You are very quiet today.

7.  The personality test found Jenkins unsuitable for the position.

8.  After much deliberation, Millie bought the biggest car on the lot.

9.  Later, Smithers became the most important person in his life.

10.  The poor sailor was at sea for a year.

11.  Under most circumstances, we would be happy with your work.

12.  The professor considered the student a genius at mathematics.

13.  Ulcers give people pain.

14.  He waited in the rain for an hour.

15.  During my teen years, I grew tall.



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Margaret L. Benner

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